Pitch Burst

Pitch Burst

    • Actual Size: 7x3
    • Setup Area: 15x25
    • Outlets: 0
    • Age Group: 6-12 year olds

    • $159.00
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Pitch Burst Dunk Tank Alternative

An alternative to the Dunk Tank, Pitch Burst can be used by youngsters as well as adults. Fill the balloon, place it in the basket, have someone sit under it and someone else to throw one of the balls (provided) at the target. When the target is hit the balloon will pop, dumping its contents onto the head of the person crazy enough to be sitting under the basket. Balloons can be filled with water or confetti either completely filled or partially filled. This game includes 100 high quality, biodegradable 11 inch balloons. It's best to schedule this rental earlier to give yourself enough time to fill some balloons.

© 2020 Funtastix™ 302-661-1-FUN (386) Wilmington DE 


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