Juego de Sapo (Frog Game)

Juego de Sapo (Frog Game)

    • Actual Size: 2x2
    • Setup Area: 4x8
    • Outlets: 0
    • Age Group: 8-adult

    • $69.00
    • Add to Cart

Juego de Sapo

Imported from Peru, the "Game of the Frog" is based on an ancient Inca legend. This is a uniquely fun game and is a great addition to backyard barbecues and parties. The official way to play the game is to have the first player throw all twelve of these heavy coins, trying to land the coin in a hole on top of the game. Obstacles partially cover some of the holes that are higher in points. The hardest shot and having the most points is thru the frog's mouth. For more information please refer to the instructions under Games on this page.

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